






A friend from my mom group blessed us with a meal to welcome our fifth baby. She pulled up to find a perfect picture of childhood summer. Four children, missing items of clothing, scabbed knees, joyfully covered in grime.

Yes, some children find joy in precision and proper decorum. But for those who don’t, why is that what we force to showcase what family looks like?

Are you going to take a precious gem and polish it down to a marble?

Are you going to take a one-of-a-kind masterpiece and mass-produce it for sale at Walmart?

Individuality, creativity, and raw emotion aren’t found in starched matching outfits and plastered smiles.

I’ve been there. Threatening and bribing my kids for “a good picture”. But honestly? Those fake, staged images just bring back memories I’d rather forget. Is that really the relationship I want with my kids? Is that image capturing the beauty of their souls?

I want real. I want to meet my kids where they are. To do something we enjoy as a family and capture raw connection. I want their precious and unique personalities highlighted, not repressed.

Instead of shame at the imperfection and messiness of parenting, what if we embraced those moments of unbridled joy? What if we really could take a snapshot to relive when they are grown? The sticky kisses, laughter at terrible Dad-jokes, dancing in the rain. Toddling little people falling into hugs with their safe place. Just looking at each other, absorbing the moment, thankful to be their Mama. Celebrating the “I did it” both big and small.

I’ve been in a deep creative rut with family sessions when I try to do what everyone else is. But when I’m true to the calling of Storyteller, my heart is set free.

Will you let me capture your real?


The Splendor of Childhood Imperfection